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tentacle    音标拼音: [t'ɛntəkəl]
n. 触须,触手,触角


n 1: something that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp
and hold; "caught in the tentacles of organized crime"
2: any of various elongated tactile or prehensile flexible
organs that occur on the head or near the mouth in many
animals; used for feeling or grasping or locomotion

Tentacle \Ten"ta*cle\, n. [NL. tentaculum, from L. tentare to
handle, feel: cf. F. tentacule. See {Tempt}.] (Zool.)
A more or less elongated process or organ, simple or
branched, proceeding from the head or cephalic region of
invertebrate animals, being either an organ of sense,
prehension, or motion.
[1913 Webster]

{Tentacle sheath} (Zool.), a sheathlike structure around the
base of the tentacles of many mollusks.
[1913 Webster]

tentacle: n. A covert pseudo, sense 1. An artificial
identity created in cyberspace for nefarious and deceptive purposes. The
implication is that a single person may have multiple tentacles. This term
was originally floated in some paranoid ravings on the cypherpunks list
(see cypherpunk), and adopted in a spirit of irony
by other, saner members. It has since shown up, used seriously, in the
documentation for some remailer software, and is now (1994) widely
recognized on the net. Compare astroturfing,
sock puppet.




中文字典-英文字典  2005-2009